The opening of the Fifth China Xianghe international home purchasing Culture Festival


China furniture association director Zhu Changling, Langfang city and Xianghe County related to leadership, as well as representatives, Provincial Furniture Association on behalf of the industrial cluster, the domestic well-known furniture buyers and distributors, agents, the Xianghe Furniture City Hall official, domestic mainstream and industry authoritative media attended the opening ceremony.

The procurement section to "let the world know Xianghe, Xianghe to the world" as the theme, the Department of Home Furnishing, Hui life "slogan, to" build the ecological industry in Xianghe, Xianghe, Xianghe quality "as the overall objective, seize the development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei collaborative strategic opportunities, promote" create Chinese depth of furniture "development strategy. Further enhance the influence and radiant power of the Chinese furniture, and promote the rapid development of Xianghe economy with the exhibition economy.

President Zhu Changling delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He briefly introduced the overall situation of the development of China's furniture industry, and congratulated the Fifth China Xianghe international home purchase Culture Festival. President Zhu said he hoped that Xianghe could continue to play its own advantages and constantly promote the overall development of the regional furniture industry through the holding of cultural festivals, making greater contributions to the healthy and sustainable development of the furniture industry in the new normal.

Zhang Chunsheng, vice mayor of Langfang and Li Fengjie, director of Hebei Furniture Association, delivered speeches respectively. They congratulated on the holding of Cultural Festival and put forward hope for the future development of Cultural Festival.

The opening ceremony was also held China Furniture Association awarded the "Chinese Xianghe international Home Furnishing purchase Festival" plaque to Xianghe Furniture City Management Committee of the awarding ceremony, the United Nations procurement supervision center issued a "China Hebei Xianghe Furniture City Home Furnishing products procurement base" award ceremony to Xianghe Furniture City, "2015 year Xianghe furniture city ten big influence the brand" award ceremony, as well as the national furniture industry cluster in the signing ceremony and other activities.

After the opening ceremony, participants attended the "Xianghe economic and social development publicity and Exhibition", "Xianghe tourism promotion and promotion activities", "Xianghe characteristic achievement exhibition", and visited the Jingwei home city exhibition hall.

The cultural festival has played a positive role in promoting the development process of furniture industry cluster, highlighting the development characteristics of local furniture industry, promoting regional economic prosperity and enhancing the radiation power of industrial clusters.

At present, China Furniture Association and the Xianghe county government for five consecutive years has been jointly held in Xianghe, "Xianghe China Home Furnishing International Cultural Festival", set up a professional international cultural exchange platform for the furniture industry colleagues, to further improve the development of Home Furnishing industrial chain, rich home industry culture, made a very good response in both inside and outside the industry, accelerate Xianghe furniture into the country, to the pace of the world.

In the future, under the strategic background of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Xianghe, China Xianghe international household culture festival will play a greater role, further enhance the influence and radiation force of the furniture industry cluster and achieve the overall rapid development of the regional economy.